Winterizing the pipes in your home can save a lot of money and time once the freezing winter temperatures arrive. This process can help prevent freezing and bursting pipes, which can be catastrophic in your home. The key is to utilize an experienced professional to winterize your pipes properly for the greatest benefit.

Insulate Exposed Pipes

A professional will look at the unheated spaces in your house and make sure that there is adequate insulation on your pipes. Common areas for this include crawlspaces, attics and basements. They will make sure that any pipes that are on an exterior wall have enough insulation since these tend to be the first ones to freeze.

Check Outdoor Plumbing

Since these areas are outside, the likelihood of freezing is higher. A professional will drain any outdoor faucets and make sure that they have enough insulation. Hoses should be stored in your basement or garage so that the winter weather does not damage them.

Look for Cracks and Gaps

If cold air can get into your home, this increases the chances of your pipes freezing. Your plumber will take a look around your home and make you aware of any cracks and gaps that exist so they can be repaired.

Let Faucets Drip

On particularly cold days, a plumber will likely recommend that you allow your faucets to drip slightly. This is especially important for pipes on an exterior wall. This process keeps water moving so that it doesn’t have time to freeze.

Plumbing Experts in the Teton and Snake River Valley Areas

Before the cold winter starts, you should contact a plumbing professional to help you winterize your pipes. Our experts have more than 24 years of experience in this area, so we know exactly what your home needs to stay safe all winter. We can also take a look at your heating system and make sure that it is ready for winter.

Contact Top Notch Heating and Plumbing today for your pipe winterizing needs.

Chris Koch


24 years of industry experience
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